Open Educational Resources - Libre Solar

The following pages will describe the build-up of an open source solar system based on Libre Solar components. As Open Educational Resources (OER), they are aimed to be accessible for everyone to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute. Our aim is that everyone is able to understand and rebuild this open hardware projects. Due to the fabrication complexity it will not be possible for everyone to build this example at home. So we show the concept of a fablab where we can build up together, let’s say from do-it-yourself (DIY) to do-it-together (DIT). So this OER should also provide a documentation to run a workshop in a fablab, school, university or any other public place which has access to the needed tools.

The first chapters will describe energy systems in general. Afterwards, the Libre Solar ecosystem will be explained in more detail, followed by a detailed step-by-step guide how to reproduce an electrical circuit board using the Libre Solar project as an example.

Introduction to Energy systems

First to understand how to rebuild a solarcharger we want to introduce you the topic of energy systems. With focus on electrical energy system we explain how current comes out of the socket. What are the differences between fossil based energy ressources and renewable energy ressources or the differences between a central controlled or decentral controlled energy grid systems.

Get to Know Hardware Components - Libre solar

In this chapter you get a little overview of the Libre Solar project which will be the practical example of rebuilding open hardware. What hardware is it? For what can I use it? How can I use it?

Step by Step Guide for Building a Printed Circuit board (PCB)

In this reproduction guideline/ step-by-step guide we show you how to assembly a PCB in order to get your own solarcharger for building up your own regenerative electrical energy system.